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  • Fassi F315B.2.26 crane delivery
  • Fassi F315B.2.26 crane delivery
  • Fassi F315B.2.26 crane delivery
  • Fassi F315B.2.26 crane delivery

May 23, 2023


The company from Barcelona acquieres its second Transgrúas equipment.  


Alquileres Encofrados y Maquinaria Barcelona are specialists in both the development and execution fof any construction site or structure: the supply any material or necessary machinery.


Knowing well the job we do in Transgrúas, they came to us once more for this lasta acquisiton: a Fassi F315B.2.26 knuckle boom crane, with the best divices for increasing its fleet. 


The crane has 6 hydraulic extensions, Scanreco remote control, FX500 limiter and the systems XP, ADC, XF and Proling. In addition, it includes the FSC SII stability control. This model has been completed with a fixed body of 6.000mm which was tailor-made in our body workshop.